

Wild Tomorrow Fund

Wild Tomorrow Fund is dedicated to the protection of threatened and endangered species in southern Africa, and the habitats they depend on for survival.

We exist to help compassionate people around the world fight back against the poaching of wildlife and destruction of habitat. You can help us save wildlife and wild spaces. 

Saving Wildlife. We currently work with sixteen wildlife reserves in southern Africa to supply rangers with basic equipment they need to do their jobs  such as uniforms, belts, boots, tires for patrol vehicles, binoculars and other items they urgently need, but are not within their budgets.

We also have a special orphan rhino program, working with two 'secret' orphan rhino facilities at partner reserves, buying milk and lucerne for the babies, helping them grow up strong for a future wild release.

Saving wild places. Habitat loss poses the greatest extinction risk to mammals globally. South Africa, ranked the 3rd most biodiverse country in the world, is being hit especially hard. The good news is there is still time to save wild areas before they are lost forever.  In 2017, we successfully negotiated with a private landowner to secure a 1,250 acre land parcel adjoining two existing wildlife reserves, creating our own conservancy called Ukuwela. We are working to rehabilitate and re-wild this land that is already home to many precious species including hippos, leopards, crocodiles, hyenas, giraffes and more as we continue to discover and reintroduce wildlife. Our long-term objective is to secure three adjoining parcels to create a wildlife corridor to a large coastal wetland reserve, significantly increasing habitat for wildlife in the region.

Please watch our video to learn more about us, or visit our website for our latest news. Please help us ensure that there is a wild tomorrow for wildlife in southern Africa.


We believe that local communities play an integral role in the ecosystems we seek to protect. Our conservation work will include these people whenever possible. We strive to hire and source supplies locally, and work in partnership with other agencies www.commongrantapplication.com Page 3 of 10 Apr 18, 2017 2:54:29 pm CDT Preview and organizations to support sustainable development

Wild Tomorrow Fund

413 W 48th St - 3F
New York, NY, 10036




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