

CureSearch for Children's Cancer

CureSearch for Children's Cancer's mission is to end children's cancer by driving targeted and innovative research with measurable results in an accelerated time frame.

Let’s Work Together to Save Kids with Cancer Now

Together, we can transform the treatment of children’s cancer, helping children not only survive, but live long, healthy lives, and ensure they have the resources to make the most informed treatment decisions. As a supporter, you will drive patient impact and support the CureSearch efforts to accelerate the development of better, less toxic treatments for kids with cancer tomorrow, while providing educational resources and information for families and clinicians as they fight cancer today. 

Every year, nearly 16,000 children in the United States and 35,000 in Europe are diagnosed with cancer. One in eight children diagnosed in the U.S. and one in six diagnosed in Europe will not survive, and of those who do, most face life-long, chronic health challenges. Globally, the prospect is even worse with over 300,000 children diagnosed annually and an estimated 20% survival rate in some countries.

CureSearch for Children’s Cancer is dedicated to protecting the future of every child diagnosed with cancer by advancing the delivery of better, less toxic treatments to ensure they live long, healthy lives. Through our Young Investigator (early-stage discovery) and Acceleration Initiative (translational) research portfolios, we are moving the most promising academic research quickly toward clinical trials. Now, through CureSearch Catapult we will address the many systemic reasons noted below that cause academic children’s cancer research to die in the ‘Valley of Death’ before ever turning into new therapies. CureSearch will catapult strong academic research out of the laboratory and into pediatric clinical trials and ultimate commercialization, where it can broadly reach children. In this way, CureSearch will advance better, less toxic treatments to children, ensuring they not only survive cancer but live long, healthy lives.

Additionally, through our highly trusted and scientifically vetted Educational Resources and Website, CureSearch helps families understand a children’s cancer diagnosis. CureSearch produces and disseminates free educational materials that provide information and resources to help parents and caregivers successfully manage a children’s journey through cancer diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship. 


Why Is This Important? Because of Superheroes like Chloe

Chloe was diagnosed with high risk acute lymphoblastic leukemia when she was 5 years old. Chloe completed treatment on Dec 19, 2016 after 867 days in treatment. Ten short days after completing cancer treatment, she was faced with a 21-day stay at the children’s hospital where she was diagnosed with a rare fungal infection. She will have one more year of treatment, but it doesn’t compare to what she has already faced.

For Superheroes like Chloe, CureSearch is proud to step into the role of convener and facilitator to bring these parties together to catapult the best research out of the lab and into clinical trials and development to protect the future of all children with cancer. As a 30-year member of the pediatric oncology community, we will build on our unique knowledge of, and connections within the childhood cancer space. This initiative will increase survival and reduce the cumulative burden of disease for children with cancer.


CureSearch for Children's Cancer

4600 East West Highway, Suite 600
Bethesda, MD, 20814




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